Jaron from Argentina was selected as a winner of a mini drawing model so he can keep practicing his skills
Some of the participants were from Brazil and by the end of the workshop we only communicated our ideas with drawings.
Mind mapping with Jose Gamboa. I was representing the Sketch aerobics and the Savannah College of Art and Design.
More than 5000 people attended to the conference from Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Honduras, Ecuador, Colombia and also Costa Rica (represented by Jose Gamboa 🙂
This image is from the last day of the conference were the special guests speakers discussed the future of design education.
This is a great festival that gives you a lot of options to choose from. They have presentations and workshops running all day every day.
The sketch aerobics visual mind mapping (mapeo visual de ideas)is going to be in today at 6 pm
Cabreara 3641 room PB 5
………….I hope to see you there…….
Jueves 2 de Agosto | 18:00 hs. | Cabrera 3641 | Aula PB 5
Una metodología que ayuda a los diseñadores y creativos a organizar sus ideas de una manera grafica para así ayudarlos a encontrar oportunidades que les ayude a fomentar su creatividad. El mapeo de ideas es un sistema que se utiliza para el manejo y análisis de información. Combinación del mapeo de ideas con las técnicas básicas de comunicación visual para así incrementar la creatividad, comunicar mejor los conceptos, analizar problemas y presentar de una mejor manera las nuevas oportunidades a clientes o colaboradores.×