We will have to thanks Federico Fenoglio from Italy because of his commitment, he convince me to start teaching the basic exercises again. These basic skills will allow you to master the complicated ones later in a couple of weeks.
So if you want to follow the process, please just follow Federico’s process. He will be working with me to put into practice the sketch aerobics skills.
I will be giving him feedback in his work and in his learning process.
Tante grazie Federico.
This is Federico’s first drawing and we will be using this image as a starting point in his learning curve.
He sent me this image in July 20th, 2012
This s going to be the first exercise and you will have to do it very day before you draw anything.
1 page of each exercise, with a total of 3 pages for lines and 1 full page of circles.
This will be use as preparation to draw. We will follow these exercise foe the first week.
You will also practice this exercises after finishing any drawing. (one more page of lines)
If you fill that you do not want to draw one day, don’t worry… but please do the exercise every day.
Sketch Aerobics basic tutorials are back